Hi, Folks . . . have you gotten on board with the Steampunk genre?
I've been intrigued by it for awhile now and decided to step waaay out of my comfort zone to dabble a bit. While browsing through the craft magazines at Barnes and Noble, I saw the cover of the Sept/Oct issue of Cloth*Paper*Scissors and had to take a closer look. Doll artist Paula Nerhus has created some very cute, interesting steampunk art dolls and gives instructions on how to make them in this issue. I have never worked with clay, so it became a big labor intensive project for me, but finally finished this dolly last night. I already had paint, fabric and many doodads that qualified as steampunk accessories, so all I had to purchase was the paper clay and I was ready to go. Now, if I intend to add dolls to my ever growing list of creative endeavors, I need to establish my own "look". But Ms. Nerhus provided the inspiration to step away from what I'm comfortable with, so thanks, Paula.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Making Bears Again
Yes, I actually cut out two bears today for a Christmas order. It's been over a year since I made a teddy, so it felt a little strange, and yet familiar, too. Just hope I remember how to put the pieces together . . . in more ways than one.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I Don't Recognize Myself Anymore
I'm not sure where I'm going with this post. Think I just need to sort out some puzzling, rather disturbing thoughts I've had going on for quite some time. Keeping these musings to myself has not resulted in any positive action to change who I've become, so maybe going public will help. I've been trying to figure out how to reinvent myself for years . . . anyone have a clue as to how that happens? I was diagnosed with recurrent major depression in 1998 and with the struggles to survive the abysmal black pit of despair that accompanies each meltdown, I've degenerated into a slug zombie. I once was an active, responsible, fairly organized, caring individual who could get things done when called upon. I could cook for my family, keep a neat (maybe not squeaky clean) house, pursue hobbies, and hold down a full-time job outside the home. No more. At age 70, I now can barely manage to get basic necessities taken care of . . . like laundry, grocery shopping, feeding my husband and pets. I'll post again on this subject - or maybe not - but perhaps I've started a new direction in trying to make the time I have left on this earth a little more productive.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I'm Back (at least I think I am)
My goodness . . . it's been awhile since I've posted here - shame on me. No excuses except that I have soooooo many places to visit when I get on the computer. And I'm head-over-heels involved with an animal sanctuary about a 30 minute drive from my house. International Exotic Animal Sanctuary houses around 70 big cats and bears that have been orphaned, abused, or abandoned . . . wild animals that can't be returned to their natural habitats. A well-run, awesome place to visit and they have daily tours. I love Tassers, the bobcat that I have adopted and go to see him at least once a month. I also make items for their gift store, an activity which brings me endless pleasure. My teddy bear creating has taken a back seat, but I haven't abandoned it altogether. I've made a plush all fours bear that represents Scooter, one of the yearling black bear cubs at IEAS. Will be making another that represents Greta, a close friend of Scooter's and the same age as he. That's all for now, but I will be back soon with photos and more
"stuff" that I've been into.
"stuff" that I've been into.
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