Hi, Folks . . . have you gotten on board with the Steampunk genre?
I've been intrigued by it for awhile now and decided to step waaay out of my comfort zone to dabble a bit. While browsing through the craft magazines at Barnes and Noble, I saw the cover of the Sept/Oct issue of Cloth*Paper*Scissors and had to take a closer look. Doll artist Paula Nerhus has created some very cute, interesting steampunk art dolls and gives instructions on how to make them in this issue. I have never worked with clay, so it became a big labor intensive project for me, but finally finished this dolly last night. I already had paint, fabric and many doodads that qualified as steampunk accessories, so all I had to purchase was the paper clay and I was ready to go. Now, if I intend to add dolls to my ever growing list of creative endeavors, I need to establish my own "look". But Ms. Nerhus provided the inspiration to step away from what I'm comfortable with, so thanks, Paula.